Eyes on My World

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Where is the line between life and beyond life?

"They believe it is a thin line separates animal & man," Samuelson said.  "They hold that some can walk back & forth over that line, here a man, there a beast."

Ewoyn Ivey


To the Bright Edge of the World by Eowyn Ivey

To the Bright Edge of the World has made me ask "Where is the line between life and beyond life?"  Am I so sure that I am of solid shape, dense and real?  Is there any chance that I am a also a spirit who can move as softly as fog, enveloping those that love me with a tingle and a chill that says "I'm here" even though I'm not. To those I love, I tell you this, Ivey assures me that no matter where I am, I with you. If you think I cannot shape shift, you are wrong. My thoughts form the shapes they must be take to be sure that they help you, advise you, love you, laugh with you, cry with you. Get ready. I am shapeshifting right now. #ReadThisBook #OneNightstand